Cliff Hudson - Finding Grace

Rev. Cliff Hudson, minister at the Silverdale Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Development Director of Our United Outreach, shares how finding grace and assurance led him into ministry and how people are finding the Cumberland Presbyterian Church refreshing.
Reverend Cliff Hudson has served the Richard City, Chattanooga 1st, Cleveland congregations, and is currently serving the Silverdale Cumberland Presbyterian church. He has been the Director of Development for Our United Outreach (OUO) since 2013. He has served on Historical Foundation board and the Program of Alternate Studies (PAS) advisory council. Cliff has served the denomination in various roles including Stated Clerk for Synod of Southeast and as General Assembly Vice Moderator under Sam Suddarth. Cliff is married to Jill, with three children and eight grandchildren.

Music is provided by Pierce Murphy, Caldera Blue
Additional comments:  modifications made to shorten and loop song for introduction and closing of podcast.
Copyright Attribution and License:
Cliff Hudson - Finding Grace
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