Tami Terpstra - The Practice of Listening & Being Present

Rev. Tami Terpstra is an interfaith chaplain at a Level 1 trauma hospital in Denver, Colorado. In this faith conversation, she shares what it is like to face mental, physical, and spiritual needs and where the practice of listening and being present are gifts in human suffering.
Reverend Tami Terpstra, MDiv, BCC is an interfaith staff chaplain at a public safety net and Level I Trauma hospital in Denver, CO. Her special passion is in providing care to behavioral health patients experiencing severe spiritual and psychiatric crises. After a decade of seminary and three more years of chaplaincy training, her long-suffering spouse and only child (who practically overnight became an amazing young man) manage to keep a sense of humor and continue to cheer her on in this peculiarly wonderful work.

Music is provided by Pierce Murphy, Caldera Blue
Source:  https://www.freemusicarchive.org/music/Pierce_Murphy/through-the-olive-branches/caldera-blue
Comments: http://freemusicarchive.org/
Additional comments:  modifications made to shorten and loop song for introduction and closing of podcast.
Copyright Attribution and License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Tami Terpstra - The Practice of Listening & Being Present
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